New Data Code on AseptiQuik Connectors from CPC

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The AseptiQuik Sterile Connectors set the standard for ease of traceability with the part and batch number and a product-specific data code laser-etched directly on the connector. Scanning the data code, the user has access to a product-specific URL that links to product specification such as sterilization, pressure, materials and more.

Info-rich data code meets relevant data

To save time and facilitate proper assembly, the data code also links to product-specific videos showing assembly steps. Additional resources accessed through the data code include a validation report request option and a convenient “Ask an Engineer” link for questions.

Better control and educated users

  • Data code etched directly on connector
  • Visible part and batch number on the connector for easy traceability
  • Data code that provides product-specific URL for technical data and specifications
  • Data code links to instructional videos showing assembly steps
  • Scan includes validation report request and “Ask an Engineer"
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