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热管理流体接头需要具有可靠性。CPC 设计和制造的 Everis 快速插拔接头 (QD),专门满足敏感且关键环境液体冷却中的高性能要求。CPC 的 Everis 快卸式接头具有强度和耐用性、易用性和可靠性。液体冷却系统设计人员在多方面从 CPC 特定应用创新中受益:
Everis 快卸式接头偶尔被称为液体冷却“接头”,用于各种低压、高流量液体冷却应用,包括 高性能计算 (HPC), 数据中心, 电动汽车充电, 边缘计算,5G、雷达和 激光器。快速插拔接头是液体冷却性能和正常运行时间的关键连接。CPC Everis 接头处于巅峰位置。
作为全球领导者 快速插拔接头,CPC 设计和制造创新的高性能 Everis 快速插拔接头,专门满足与液体冷却相关的需求:在 100% 正常运行时间环境中连接或断开时不产生溢漏。 查看适用于 热管理的全系列 Everis 快速插拔。
Everis 液体冷却快速插拔产品组合包括三个快速断开产品系列
The Everis® LQ2 is a 1/8 inch flow fitting that provides ultra-reliable, dripless connection and disconnection for liquid cooling.
The Everis® LQ4 is a ¼ inch flow fitting that provides ultra-reliable, dripless connection and disconnection for protecting valuable electronics.
Designed specifically for liquid cooling applications, the Everis® LQ4S offers outstanding reliability, performance and resistance to corrosion.
The Everis® LQ6 is a 3/8 inch flow fitting that provides ultra-reliable, no-drip connection and disconnection for liquid cooling of electronics.
The Everis LQ8 connector is a 1/2 inch flow fitting that provides ultra-reliable, no-drip connection and disconnection for liquid cooling of electronics applications.
The Everis®non-spill liquid cooling quick disconnect designed specifically for rack-mounted liquid cooling applications.
Non-spill blind mate quick disconnect coupling designed specifically for rack or panel mounted liquid cooling applications.
The Everis® BLQ6 3/8 inch flow liquid cooling fitting provides ultra-reliable connection for blind mate liquid cooling applications. An optional accessory kit for panel mounting is available.
Designed and purpose-built for liquid cooling, the Everis® PLQ2 QD offers leak-free performance and drip-free disconnection.
Designed specifically for liquid cooling applications, the Everis® PLQ4 offers outstanding reliability and performance within electronic systems environments.
Developed according to the OCP standard for server liquid cooling, the CPC Everis® UQD02 QDs with 1/8″ flow provide ultra-reliable connections.
Everis® UQD04 QDs are one of the most commonly specified UQD size for easy integration, exceptional reliability, high performance and corrosion resistance.
Everis® UQDB04 QDs offer ease of use, outstanding reliability, high performance and resistance to corrosion. OCP standard connector for server cooling.
Hyperion Research 聚焦 HPC 液体冷却市场以及供应商如何应对液体冷却挑战。
了解 CPC 如何增强其 Everis LQ4 和 Everis 的快速插拔接头,以进一步确保连接器在液体冷却应用的易用性和适用性。