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Fluidic Flow Dynamics and Liquid Cooling of Electronics

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Liquid cooling delivers superior thermal management with significantly better energy efficiency. This fact is driving the rapid adoption of liquid cooling in high heat-flux electronic systems. For optimal cooling performance, engineers designing these systems must understand a range of principles unique to fluid flow and then apply them properly.

“Why Fluidic Flow Dynamics Are Critical to the Design of High-Performance Electronics” covers a range of calculations and concepts to be understood when designing liquid cooling systems. For example, the type of liquid cooling system (static immersion liquid cooling, closed loop or forced immersion and two-phase immersion phase change liquid cooling) will impact the potential heat transfer. Also, engineers should use Cv to compare connector performance, and become familiar with pressure drop, volumetric flow rate and the impact of a fluid’s specific gravity in resisting flow regardless of the system type.

Additionally, this tech guide highlights elements of quick disconnects (QDs) or quick release/quick connect couplings (QCs) that impact flow and provides some insight on QD form factor impact to flow and/or coolant containment. (Illustrations and graphs demonstrate how blind mate coupling partial engagement allows flow but with impedance. A reference table lists the differences between shut-off valves and non-spill valves on QDs for dry break capabilities.)

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